About Us

A place to breathe


My name is Ari Tür and I’m a writer and a golfer.  I have written two short story books, starting at the age of 5.  I liked going into my room and writing funny stories.  I watched some funny stuff on youtube and it made me want to write and tell stories.

 When I wrote my first book, I didn’t tell anyone.  When my mommy and daddy saw that I liked to write they said I should keep it up and be the best writer I can be.  Daddy really liked it. 
As a family, we decided to raise money.  My first two books raised money for The Kidney Foundation, The Cancer Society, and The Arthritis Society because these bad things have affected our family and we wanted to help in finding a cure.  My third book, Battle of the Grandmas, raised money for the St. Paul’s Kidney Care Clinic because my daddy got his kidney transplant at the hospital.
HOBBIES: Golf (summer), Crochet, Chess, Reading, Swimming, 
                   & Skiing (winter)

Organ Donation

Online Organ Donor Registration. Let your family know what you have decided and register your wishes.

The Kidney Foundation

Committed to achieving a cure for kidney disease, optimal quality of life and excellent kidney health.

St Paul's Hospital

Kidney Care Clinic

The kidney care clinics at St. Paul’s Hospital provide multi-disciplinary support to patients living with or at risk of kidney disease. Our team includes nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, social workers and doctors. They will work with you to manage your kidney health.

The Arthritis Society

To invest in cutting-edge research, proactive advocacy and innovative solutions that will deliver better health outcomes for people affected by arthritis.